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Understanding SalesRep screen layouts

Purpose and scope

SalesRep is a B2B sales app to help your field sales team and in-store assistants Sell Smarter. Designed with a simple interface, and with functionality so that it operates both offline and online, your field sales team or in-store assistant can use it to access your product catalogue, place orders and manage customer relationships in an efficient and timely way.

The purpose of this article is to describe the screen layouts on the key screens contained in SalesRep.


Using SalesRep provides many key benefits for you and your team members, as follows:

  • Secure login and logout functionality

  • Manage your customers, with a full or segmented customer list, retrieved regularly from your ERP

  • View your full product catalogue, which is retrieved regularly from your ERP 

  • Keep your team members up to date with company news using unidirectional Messages

  • Sales order processing, which allows your team members to create, and place orders in your ERP in real time

  • SalesRep can work either online or offline. When offline, create orders on the go. These are stored in a list of active orders, which you can submit when SalesRep is online.


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