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SalesRep: Catalogue


The product catalogue contains information about your products. It can be set up as either a full product or customer-specific catalogue It is imported from your ERP, either automatically (as part of a regular sync between your ERP and SalesRep), or manually in Settings.

How it fits together

There are three main screens in the product catalogue section:

  • Product listing screen

  • Detailed product screen

  • Product with options screen

Actions available on product listing screen

The product listing screen contains a list of all products for a specific customer. From this screen, you can:

  • View the products either as a list, as a list with the primary image displayed or in grid format

  • Search or filter the product catalogue,

  • Create an order containing a specific product,

  • View stock and price information for each product 

    • The stock level indicator shows both "In stock" and "Available" stock levels.

    • If product options have been enabled for a product, then the listed price is the lowest price of one of the product options.

    • If it is a simple product, then you can create an order and add the product directly from this screen; otherwise, you can click into the product for more information.

See the screen

More information - Product labels

Highlight when a product is a Special Offer or On Sale with a product custom label.

Update the product in your ERP with a product custom label. Any changes are synced to SalesRep as part of the regular sync between your ERP and SalesRep, or manually sync your catalogue in Settings.

Contact our support team for more information.

Actions available on detailed product screen

The detailed product screen contains more information about a particular product. From this screen, you can:

  • View product images and a detailed product description

  • See product options for a product if they have been enabled

  • View stock and price information for each product

  • View purchase history for this product. The purchase history screen contains a list of previous orders with pricing for this product and for a specific customer, which may aid you with sales negotiation with your customer.

See the screen

Actions available on the Product with options screen

The product with options screen contains a list of options associated with the parent product. From this screen, you can:

  • View a list of the different options associated with the parent product, including a small image, stock level indicator, product code, unit price and the amount of available stock. The stock level indicator shows both "In stock" and "Available" stock levels. Typically, the parent product stock level indicator shows the  "In stock" and "Available" stock levels of the first product with options.

See the screen

Key points

  • Product data is retrieved from your ERP at regular intervals (usually nightly) and stored in Digital Commerce Platform. 

  • Product data stored on Digital Commerce Platform is synced with SalesRep, 

    • when you log in, 

    • when you select to "Download Latest" under Products, from the Setting screen in SalesRep.

  • When you add a product to your cart, the price and stock of the product is checked in real-time.

  • Any changes that you make to your products in Management Interface are reflected in SalesRep after you sync product data.

We recommend that you and team members using SalesRep manually sync SalesRep with Digital Commerce Platform at least once a day.

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