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How do I configure and manage Wufoo?

Purpose and scope

The App Store provides access to a set of third party integrations and Premium add-ons that you can configure and manage. This article provides a step by step on how to configure and manage Wufoo, which is listed in the Add-ons / Third Party section of the App Store.


  • You are responsible for maintaining an active Wufoo account.

  • Any costs associated with using Wufoo is your responsibility.

Step by step


  • You are logged into Management Interface.

  • You have previously installed the app on WebShop - read How to use the App Store for more information.

  • You have an account on the Wufoo platform. 

Step 1: Open App Store


Click App Store under Configuration on the left side menu. The App Store is displayed.

Step 2: Configure and manage

Configure & manage

Locate the third-party add-ons category in App Store. The apps included in this category are available as part of the standard Digital Commerce product. Each third party add-on are activated and managed differently.

Click Settings under Google Tag Manager you wish to configure to see what is required to activate it.

Wufoo (by SurveyMonkey) is an online form builder, which allows you to collect data and to automate your workflow.

To activate it, enter your Wufoo username and API key and click Activate.

Data required

Field name



Username for wufoo, usually the subdomain


Your Wufoo username is found in the tip right corner of your Wufoo dashboard.

Wufoo account API key


Your API key is typically located under API Information on existing Wufoo form. The same API key is valid for all forms within your Wufoo account.

Find out more

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