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How do I add a Wufoo form to WebShop?

Purpose and scope

Wufoo (by SurveyMonkey) is an online form builder, which allows you to collect data and to automate your workflow.

Once you have set up your Wufoo integration and have configured your forms in Management Interface, it's time to add those forms to your WebShop.

The purpose of this article is to explain how to add Wufoo forms to your WebShop using the Form - Wufoo block type.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Open Pages


Click Pages. This opens the Content Management System.

Step 3: Add a Form - Wufoo block

  1. Click New and select New Block from the drop-down list.

  2. Under the General tab, 

    • Select Wufoo Form from the drop-down list under Block Type.

    • Select the block's parent from the drop-down list under Parent. This places the new block at that point in your navigational tree.

    • Update the other fields as required.

  3. Under the Options tab,

    • Select the form you wish to include from the drop-down list under Wufoo Form. This list contains all Wufoo forms that are currently integrated with Experlogix Digital Commerce.

    • Update the other field as required.

  4. Click Save. 

Changes are immediately visible in WebShop once you click Save unless you have selected Hidden in the Visibility option on the General tab.

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