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I'm using the Shared Download Document feature, but my products are loading very slowly. Why is that?


To explain one possible reason why your products are loading slowly.

If you are using the Shared Download Document feature and your products are loading very slowly, it may be the case that previously imported data simply added duplicate links to the same document because the toggles on the Product Document screen were not set correctly, and allowed duplicate links to be imported. This makes the product upload much slower since duplicate links to the same document are being uploaded to the product details screen in WebShop.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article




an item for sale in the product catalogue.

Product code (SKU)

(SKU), the unique code for the product.

More information

The Shared Product Downloads feature allows you to specify the relationship between products and the documents that you share on the detailed product screen in WebShop.

By default, there is a 1:1 relationship between product and document, which may lead you to importing the same document multiple times. When enabled, the Shared Document feature allows you to change the relationship to a Many:1 relationship between product and document, so that you can import the document once, and link it to multiple products using the product code as the product identifier. Read Shared Product Downloads in WebShop for more information about this feature and how it operates in WebShop.

Our import / export spreadsheet feature in Management Interface allows you to upload the relationships between products and documents.

There are two options on the Product Document screens:



Click ‘Yes’ to

Click ‘No’ to

Remove Matching Product Document Links

Remove existing relationships between products and product documents for all product codes (SKUs) listed in the updated spreadsheet.

Append new relationships for all product codes (SKUs) in the updated spreadsheet to existing product:document relationships.

Delete All Download Links

Remove existing relationships between products and product documents.

Append new relationships to the existing list of product:document relationships.

It may be the case that previously imported data simply added duplicate links to the same document because the toggles on the Product Document screen were not set correctly, and allowed duplicate links to be imported. This makes the product upload much slower since duplicate links to the same document are being uploaded to the product details screen in WebShop.

To remove existing links, click ‘Yes’ to ‘Delete All Download Links’ on the Product Document screen to remove existing links, and re-import the spreadsheet. This will likely improve the speed at which your products load in WebShop.

For more information, read Shared Product Downloads in WebShop. Or for a step by step guide to using this feature, read How do I import and export shared documents?

Key points

  • Your products may be loading slowly due to duplicate links between products and shared documents if the Shared Product Downloads feature is enabled.

  • To fix this, re-import the shared document spreadsheet; click ‘Yes’ to ‘Delete All Download Links’ on the Product Document screen to remove existing links.

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