Remember, orders can be compiled while you are offline. You can find them under Orders in the left menu bar, so you can quickly view, complete and place them directly into your ERP when you are back online.
Once the order is ready to be submitted, extra features support efficient business processes:
Check prices to obtain the latest prices from your ERP prior to placing the order
Request online signature to confirm order
Add contact and delivery details
Finally, the order is placed into your ERP in real-time.
Additional features that support sales order processing
How can my sales representatives compile an order?
Compile your order
Click “New Order“, select your customer, and add products using our Quick Order feature or add items using the product catalogue.
Then, click Quick Order feature to quickly add frequently ordered products where you know the SKU / product code. Rows are added automatically. Once you have completed your order, click Add to Cart, and all the items you have entered are added to the Cart. When you select a product which has options available, you can select your chosen option from the drop-down box.
Or, click Add Items, which opens the product catalogue. Browse the catalogue, add items that you wish to order, then click View Order to view your Cart.
Or, use the Barcode Scanner to add items by scanning a product’s barcode. Read Using barcode scanner in SalesRep to find out more. Once you scan the item, it is added to your order. Click View Order to view your Cart.
While most products are ordered in whole numbers, some products can be ordered as a fraction or decimal of a whole number. We have added a new feature whereby you can now add decimal quantiles for products on any screen where you add a product to an order. The prices are automatically updated to take account of the exact quantity ordered.
2. Browse product catalogue
Open the product catalogue, and add items by increasing the number of the product in the Qty field, then click View Order to view your Cart.
How can my sales representatives checkout and place the order into my ERP?
Click View Order to a list of items in your Cart. The order overview screen lists the items you have added to the Cart. From this screen, you can:
Click Check Prices to retrieve the latest prices from your ERP immediately before moving to the next step in the Sales Order Processing.
Key points
You can complete other tasks from the View order screen:
Click Delete Order to remove the order from SalesRep. A message is displaying requesting you to confirm the order deletion. Once you confirm the action, the order is removed from the platform and cannot be retrieved.
Manage your commercial documents (such as orders, proof of delivery and so on) using the Print PDF and Email Order buttons.
Click Continue to Delivery when you have verified the order details. This displays the delivery details screen, which is typically auto-filled with the customer’s default delivery address. From this screen, you can:
use the default delivery details, modify them manually or select a delivery address from the imported address book. When you enter a delivery contact name and address, it is stored within SalesRep and included with your order details when the order is placed in your ERP. It is not saved to the address book in your ERP.
If you frequently re-enter delivery contact names and address for a specific customer, add them to the address book in your ERP, and then sync SalesRep. The updated address book is available for you to use in SalesRep.
Complete the delivery details and order information.
Click Continue to Confirm. This opens the sales order confirmation screen. From this screen, you can:
request the customer’s signature as acceptance that they wish to place the order
place the order directly into your ERP in real-time
Click Submit to place the order into your ERP. The order is placed in real-time into your ERP.
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