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Pricing in SalesRep

Feature list

While your ERP manages your stock levels, locations and more, we have a host of features that make displaying that information in SalesRep more beneficial to your customers: 

  • Sync often to get real time stock availability 

  • Display stock level on both individual product pages and product listings

  • Display stock level indicators on both individual product pages and product listings

Terms and concepts used in this article



Stock level

number of items of a particular product that is advertised as available to order by your customers and displayed throughout WebShop, PocketShop or SalesRep. By default, the Experlogix Digital Commerce is configured to use the Available stock number from your ERP. Other configuration options are also possible.

More information

Real time stock availability

Information about stock - both "In Stock" and "Available" - levels are displayed on both product listing and product detail screens. The numbers displayed are taken from the last time the app was synced. Typically, this is a nightly import into SalesRep from your ERP, although you can manually sync data if you wish to.

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