The Spreadsheet Import to Cart feature provides functionality to order large volumes of products via a spreadsheet upload of products and quantities.
Key points
Spreadsheet Import to Cart is only available in B2B WebShop.
It is available when you use WebShop on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Your customers must have an account on your WebShop.
This article explains how to use the Spreadsheet Import to Cart feature in WebShop.
This feature allows your customers to create a spreadsheet of products and quantities offline in their own time before uploading and placing the order quickly and efficiently.
Step by step
Step 1: Log into WebShop
Log in
Log into WebShop with your username and password. This opens WebShop's dashboard.
Where do my customers find the Spreadsheet Upload button?
Customer view
Click My Cart. This opens the cart.
Click Spreadsheet Import. This opens the Order Import screen.
Click Browse to locate the spreadsheet containing the order you wish to upload, if you already have the spreadsheet ready.
Otherwise, click Download Sample File to download a spreadsheet and complete it. The spreadsheet contains two columns: Product code and Quantity.
Click Upload to import the spreadsheet to WebShop. This validates each row and if file is formatted correctly, adds the products to the cart.
Key points
Supported formats are .xls and .csv
The spreadsheet consists of two columns: Product Code and Quantity.
Spreadsheet contents are appended to your cart. This means that if you have products in your cart prior to the upload, they remain in the cart and are not overwritten.
How is the spreadsheet that my customer uploads processed and validated?
Validation rules
Action taken
A file other than a .csv or .xls is uploaded
File is not processed.
Spreadsheet contains entries that have valid product codes and An entry has been added that has valid product code(s) and associated quantities.
Products are added to the cart.
Spreadsheet contains an entry that has a valid product code but no quantity.
Products that have both code and quantity are added to the cart.
An information message is displayed indicating that products with no quantities are not added to the cart.
Spreadsheet contains an entry that has a valid quantity but no product code.
Products that have both code and quantity are added to the cart.
If there is an entry in the spreadsheet containing no product code with a quantity, nothing is added to the Cart and no error message is returned.
Spreadsheet contains at least two entries with the same product code. The quantity may be different in each entry.
Only the last entry with the duplicated product code is added to the cart.
The product code is no longer a Visible Product in the WebShop catalogue.
An information message is displayed indicating that products with status Invisible cannot be added to the cart.
This product could not be added to the cart:: 1431A
An information message is displayed: “This product could not be added to the cart:: <product-code>“
JavaScript errors detected
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