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Sales order processing

Feature list

Compile your order

Within WebShop, there are a variety of different ways that your customers can compile / create and place an order. These are:

  • Browse catalogue and use "Add to Cart" button to add products to the cart

  • Allow B2B and B2C customers to compile orders using a variety of options, including Quick Order, Order Lists, Spreadsheet Import and others.


Once your order has been compiled, you can:

Once your customers have completed the checkout process fully the order is sent to your ERP in real-time.

Pay for your order

WebShop comes with a number of different workflows that allow you to accept payments:

  • Accept payment against a credit balance

  • Cash sales for your B2B customers via a payment gateway

  • Cash sales for your B2C customers via a payment gateway

  • B2B payment on account - workflow that allows your B2B customers to pay some or all of the balance on their account

Features that support sales order processing

Once your customers have placed their orders, they receive an automatic email with their order details. Additionally, you can:

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