The Order lists feature provides functionality that allow your customers to save the contents of their cart to a list, which can be used at a later time.
Key points
Order lists can be used by B2B and B2C eCommerce customers.
It is available when WebShop is used on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Your customers must have an account on your WebShop.
Order lists offer a fast, convenient way to re-order previously ordered products.
Step by step
Step 1: Log into WebShop
Log in
Log into WebShop with your username and password. This opens WebShop's dashboard.
How do my customers create an order lists?
Customer view
Add products to the cart, either by browsing WebShop, using Quick Order or importing a spreadsheet of products to order.
Click My Cart. This opens the cart.
Click New Order List. This creates an order list with the cart contents, and opens the Order List screen.
Where can my customers find existing Order Lists?
Click Order Lists on the left menu to open the Order List screen.
Key points
The Order List screen contains the list of all order lists that have been created.
Each order list contains the name, the number of items contained in it, and the date and time it was last updated.
What can my customers do with Order Lists?
Change the name of a order list
Load the order list into their cart
Delete an order list
Key points
It is not possible to delete an order list if that order list is currently loaded into the cart.
To delete such an order list, empty the cart (either by placing the order or clearing the cart)
Update order list
Load order list into cart.
Add or remove products as required.
Click My Cart. This adds all the products to the cart.
Click the Order List name to update the order list.
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