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How do I import translations for product and category information?

Purpose and scope

Experlogix Digital Commerce supports importing product and category information in multiple languages using our spreadsheet import / export functionality . We currently support: English (UK), English (US), Dutch (Netherlands), French, German and Spanish.

The purpose of this feature guide is to provide a step by step guide on how to use our spreadsheet import / export functionality to import and export your product translations. A similar process can be used to import and export translated category information.

Key points

  • We recommend that you read Understanding product administration in WebShop to get an overview of how the product administration tool and the product import / export spreadsheet feature operate prior to following this step by step guide.

  • Only product and category content for languages that have been activated can be imported or manually modified. Read Understanding language support in WebShop and Management Interfaceto discover how to set up languages in WebShop.

  • Use the same product code for each product with different language content to ensure that pricing and stock is imported correctly from your ERP.

  • It is possible to translate any product or category data elements that can be exported using our Custom Export feature.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2.a: Manually add a translation for a single product

  • Open Products.

  • Select the language you require from the Language Switcher drop-down menu.

  • Search for and open the product you wish to update.

  • Click Save. Changes are immediately visible in WebShop.


In this example, the Spanish title and product description of product code 0100 is updated.

“Espanol (es)” is selected from the Language Switcher drop-down menu. A listing of all products available in Spanish is displayed. Product code 0100 is opened for edited. The product title and content is updated with additional Spanish information. The product is saved, and the changes applied immediately to WebShop.


Step 2.b: Import translations for many products

Create spreadsheet to import

Use our product import / export spreadsheet feature to quickly import translations to your product catalogue.

  • Either manually create a spreadsheet with the product data you wish to update. The first column of the spreadsheet must be a product code (SKU). Additional columns in the spreadsheet must be product data elements, such as Name, Content, URL, Page Title.

  • Or export a spreadsheet containing existing translations using the Product Custom Export, and update it as required.

More information

To export existing Spanish product translations

  • Select “Espanol (es)” from the Language Switcher drop-down menu. This displays existing products that have been translated to Spanish.

  • Click Export.

  • Click Custom Export. This opens the Custom Export tool.

  • Select the columns you wish to export and click Export. This downloads a spreadsheet of existing product data in Spanish.

Example spreadsheet


Import spreadsheet
  • When the spreadsheet is ready for import, return to the Products listing screen in Management Interface.

  • Select the language you require from the Language Switcher drop-down menu.

  • Click Import. This opens a menu that allows you to select which file you wish to import.

  • Click Select Product Spreadsheet to open a file locator. Locate the spreadsheet, and click Open.

  • Click Submit to import the spreadsheet. A message is displayed when the import is complete. Changes are visible immediately on both Management Interface and WebShop if the import is successful.


Remember you need to repeat this step to update translations for product and category data in each language you have configured in WebShop.

Step 3: Verify translations

What do I see in Management Interface?

You can see the translated product content once you have saved or imported your changes on both the product listing screen, and in the Product Editor for each product.

To view the changes, select “Espanol (es)” from the Language Switcher drop-down menu.


For the example described above where product code 0100 is updated with additional Spanish content, the product has been updated in the product listing, as follows:


To verify that the content is different to the English (Worldwide) version, switch to “Worldwide (ed)” and visually check the content is different. The English version for the same product is shown:

What do my customers see in WebShop?

Your customers see the translated product content once you have saved or imported your changes.

To view the changes, select “Espanol (es)” from the Language Switcher drop-down menu.



For the example described above where product code 0100 is updated with additional Spanish content, the product has been updated, as shown:


To verify that the content is different to the English (Worldwide) version, switch to “Worldwide (ed)” and visually check the content is different. The English version for the same product is shown:


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