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How do I add or edit SEO data controls to WebShop content?

Purpose and scope

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method of attracting more organic traffic to your website (in this case, WebShop) by ensuring it is indexed and ranked highly (preferably on the first page) on search engine result pages (SERPs).

At a page, category or product level, include your site name on every page title (for example: My Page - My Company), and customize your page title, product / category or page name (relates to the H1 HTML tag). The page title is what is returned on the SERP. Additionally, you can use our SEO controls to add more meta data (meta page title, meta keywords and meta descriptions) to further describe what each page is about. Finally, we automatically include structured data of key WebShop data, such as company information, breadcrumbs and product data. This improves SEO by making it easier for ‘crawlers’ to identify and index different pages.

The purpose of this article is to show how to:

  • Add or edit SEO data to WebShop pages, categories and/or product pages

  • Add or edit structured data in WebShop

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface


Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Task 1: Add or edit SEO data to WebShop pages


Pages, our content management system, allows you to customize the content in your WebShop so your brand and products shine. Improve your rankings in search engine results by adding metadata to each page.

Update a single page

  • Open Pages. This opens the list of pages in your WebShop.

  • Click the edit icon to the right of the page you wish to update. This opens the page editor.

  • Select the SEO tab.

  • Update the meta page title, meta keywords and meta description.

  • Click Save in the top right of the screen.

Task 2: Add or edit SEO data to product pages

Product pages

Typically, your product catalogue is imported regularly from your ERP. Improve your rankings in search engine results by adding metadata to each product page.

Update a single product page

  • Open Products under Catalogue. This opens a list of products in your product catalogue.

  • Click the edit icon to the right of the page you wish to update. This opens the product editor.

  • Select the SEO tab.

  • Update the meta page title, meta keywords and meta description.

  • Click Save in the top right of the screen.

Read Understanding product administration in WebShopfor more information.

Bulk update product pages

  • Follow steps provided Using custom product exportsto export a copy of your existing metadata. Include the Page Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description fields to ensure that all associated metadata is exported. This downloads the selected data as a spreadsheet.

  • Update the spreadsheet with your new metadata.

  • Click Import & Export under Categories. This opens the Import screen.

  • Click Choose File under Product Spreadsheet, locate your updated spreadsheet and click Open.

  • Click Update Catalogue. This updates listed products with updated metadata.

Read some background information on how the product import / export spreadsheet feature operates.

Task 3: Add or edit SEO data to categories


Your category tree is set up when your WebShop is created. Improve your rankings in search engine results by adding metadata to each category.

Update a single category

  • Open Categories under Catalogue. This opens your category tree.

  • Click the edit icon to the right of the page you wish to update. This opens the category editor.

  • Select the SEO tab.

  • Update the meta page title, meta keywords and meta description.

  • Click Save in the top right of the screen.

Read Understanding category management in WebShopand How is the category tree structured and how do I manage it?for more information.

Bulk update categories

  • Follow steps provided Using custom product exportsto export a copy of your existing metadata. Include the Page Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description fields to ensure that all associated metadata is exported. This downloads the selected data as a spreadsheet.

  • Update the spreadsheet with your new metadata.

  • Click Import & Export under Categories. This opens the Import screen.

  • Click Choose File under Product Spreadsheet, locate your updated spreadsheet and click Open.

  • Click Update Catalogue. This updates listed products with updated metadata.

Read some background information on how the product import / export spreadsheet feature operates.

Task 4: Add or edit structured data

Structured data

We automatically add structured data of key WebShop data, such as company information, breadcrumbs and product data when your WebShop is created.

Company information

Your company information contains your physical office address, phone number and email address. It is displayed on the footer of each page in your WebShop.

To update it,

  • Open Builder in Settings in Management Interface.

  • Select Contact under Company.

  • Update fields as required.

  • Click Save.

Changes you made are automatically saved to WebShop.


A breadcrumb is a way of creating internal links across pages and categories on your WebShop. This helps software (known as ‘crawlers’) to more easily navigate your WebShop in search of new content. When new content is found, it is indexed based on a number of factors, such as page language, usability of the page, the locale of the content and so on.


To set up the root or starting point for your WebShop breadcrumb,

  • Open Builder in Settings in Management Interface.

  • Select CMS under Features.

  • Scroll down to locate Breadcrumb.

  • Update as required.

  • Click Save.

Changes you made are automatically saved to WebShop.

Product data

Structured data or ‘rich snippets’ are added to product pages to identify them as products. When a product page is found during a search, it is identified as such and the results displayed on the SERP are presented differently. More information about how to add structured data to your product pages can be found here1.


1 How To Add Product Structured Data - From Google for Developer, an external site, over which we have no control

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