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Adding a Flockler social media feed to WebShop

Purpose and scope

Flockler is an social media feed aggregator that allows you to combine content from one or more different social media platforms into one automated feed. Our new Flockler feed block type allows you to easily embed and display that automated social media feed on your WebShop.

The purpose of this article is to explain how to use the Flockler Feed block type to easily integrate into WebShop. This allows you to display an aggregated social media feed from your WebShop.

This feature is only available as part of the Digital Marketing SmartPack. Contact our sales team for more information.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Open Pages


Click Pages. This opens the Content Management System.

Step 3: Add a Flockler feed block



  • You have an account on the Flockler platform.

  1. Click New Block.

  2. Under the General tab, 

    • Select Flockler Feed from the drop-down list under Block Type.

    • Select the block's parent from the drop-down list under Parent. This places the new block at that point in your navigational tree.

    • Update the other options as required

  3. Under the Options tab,

    • Enter the embed code, which you can copy and paste from your Flockler dashboard.

      Update the other options as required.

  4. Click Save. 

Key points

  • In Flockler, you can create a social medial feed from a number of different social media platforms. Define how you want the results displayed - as a grid, a social wall or a carosel.

  • In Management Interface, add any number of Flockler feed blocks inside a CMS - Section block type and add additional styling if you wish.

  • Changes are immediately visible in WebShop once you click Save unless you have selected Hidden in the Visibility option on the General tab.

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