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September 2020

 Aphix supports Childhood Cancer awareness month

This month, Aphix joined many others in the worldwide campaign to shine a light on this most important of health topic: childhood cancer.

Our website, social channels and our customer CMS are all gold!  

To find out more why this is so important to us, and how you can help, please read our blog on Aphix goes gold for childhood cancer.

Alternatively, if you’ve already read our blog (which we’ve shared during the month on all our social channels) and want to help, please go gold for childhood cancer by donating to the Childhood Cancer Foundation in Ireland or Solving Kids Cancer a UK based charity helping fund new treatments for childhood cancers and Neuroblastoma in particular.

 ERP updates

We’ve been working hard on improving and extending ERP coverage, and this month we’ve got the following updates to share with you.

SAP Business One

Last month, we extended the integration functionality between Aphix Digital Platform and SAP Business One to provide support to place a quote in SAP Business One. This month, we’ve added functionality that allows you to view the list of quotes in your Aphix WebShop. Simply open your WebShop dashboard and click on Quotations. This lists all quotes contained in SAP Business One for the logged in customer.

More information

Read our updated Quotations in WebShop for more information.

 What's new in Aphix Management Interface?

Using shipping tiers to manage your shipping charges

We have developed a new feature that allows you to create and modify your shipping charges when and how it suits you. The shipping tiers feature offers you more control and flexibility by allowing you to create shipping rules in your Aphix Management Interface. It is possible for you to create both flat rate charges, and shipping unit charges using the shipping tiers feature.

Currently, shipping tier rates is supported in Aphix WebShop for new customers.

This feature is currently in beta for existing customers. If you are an existing customer who would like more information about this feature, please contact Support, who will be happy to talk you through your options around this feature.

More information

There’s some new terminology to learn - charge type, tier rule and tier set - and a new method of setting up your shipping charges. Don’t fear, our feature guide on Shipping charges in Aphix WebShop explains it all.

Aphix Management Interface -> Pages

As explained in Pages, each Aphix WebShop page is built by combining a number of different sections to showcase your company and product to its best advantage. Each section can contain blocks, pages or links, or a combination of these three items. Using the Pages feature gives you the following key benefits:

  • launch with a simple, fully functioning WebShop that allows your customers to browse your catalogue, find out about your brand and place orders,

  • enhance your WebShop with additional functionality that will raise your WebShop to the next level through the use of blocks, pages and links,

  • make changes at a time that suits you,

  • any changes that you make are live immediately, so it is quick and easy to update your Aphix WebShop as you go along.

To refresh your knowledge about the Pages feature, click here.

To help you enhance your WebShop with additional functionality, we’ve updated our documentation to include more information about Pages -> Block types available.

 What's new in Aphix WebShop?

Attach files to sales orders

As a merchant, you may want to collect additional information from your customers when they place a sales order. There are multiple reasons why you might want to use this new feature:

  • to increase brand awareness by using a branded Sales Order PO as the attachment

  • to support internal financial processes and / or to make account reconciliation easier to perform

  • to print and physically store sales documents.

It is now possible for your customers to add attachments to their sales orders before they place the order.

Support Irish VAT change

On 1st September, the VAT rate changed in Ireland from 23% to 21%.

As a SaaS platform, Aphix made the necessary changes to its pricing module in the Aphix Digital Platform so that it could accept and process the new VAT rates from the ERPs it integrates with. The result? A seamless transfer to the new VAT rate!

What's new in Aphix PocketShop?

Check out our new feature guide on Branding and managing content in Aphix PocketShop. These are all better because of the changes we’ve made to how Aphix Digital Platform interacts with Aphix PocketShop. These changes have improved PocketShop’s performance, resilience and reliability.

The screenshot illustrates how to create a category banner in Aphix Management and the immediate impact that change has in Aphix PocketShop.

Bug fixes in Aphix Management Interface

Fixed “Error 500” messages when making changes to content

We were contacted by a number of you to let us know that you were getting an Error 500 message when attempting to make changes to the content in your CMS. We looked into the code and found a bug and immediately fixed it. Your updates now work, and no more Error 500 messages are shown. Success!

Issues with logging into Aphix Management Interface sorted out

One of you let us know that you were having problems accessing your Management Interface. We reproduced the issue, and traced it to a specific database query. We modified the query, and that fixed the issue. Now, you can log into your Management Interface and use the many great features contained therein.

Bug fixes in Aphix WebShop

Duplicated orders fixed

The tool that we use to place your orders is very responsive. Occasionally, this leads to situations where your order may be duplicated. The Aphix Digital Platform proactively manages the orders queue. The Aphix support team is notified when orders are duplicated for any reason. Modifying our order queue has fixed this issue. However, should it occur again, we can triage and resolve the issue as soon as we are notified.

Incorrect display of quantity breaks fixed

We heard through our support team that not all of your quantity breaks were displaying correctly. We figured out that updating the mappings for the quantity break data would fix your problem so that’s what we did. Now your quantity break product data displays correctly in your WebShop.

Undeleted empty Favourites groups fixed

There was a problem where Favourites groups were not deleted during an import even though there were no products in them. This resulted in a list of Favourite Groups with the message: “There are no products in this group“. These messages cluttered your WebShop interface and didn’t add any value. Now, following the ERP sync with WebShop, we check that there are products in each Favourites group; the group name is deleted if there are no products associated with the Favourites group name. One of you reported that product sub-categories were not being across all of your WebShops. In particular, one of your sites were missing a number of sub-categories. This meant that when using this particular site, it was likely that you’d need to know either the product code or part number to find the product, since it was difficult to locate it using category search and filtering options.

We discovered that on that site, we had not updated the database correctly, and so some of your category tree was not displaying correctly. We updated the database and imported an up to date catalogue from your ERP. This fixed the issue, and you can rest easy, knowing you don’t have to memorise all your product codes and instead you can use the powerful search and filtering options provided. Categories and product information are now consistent across your many WebShops.

Store location maps displayed correctly

Many of you contacted us to tell us that when looking at the Google map showing your store location, it had a “for development purposes only“ message imprinted on it. We realized that we were using the wrong key to access our Google account; we updated it to the correct key, and that removed the message from your store location map.

Issue with logging into Aphix WebShop sorted out

You let us know that you had set up a web customer but they couldn’t log in because they had a different company code to what was originally set up. We investigated this. We discovered we needed to extend an internal configuration file to allow for inter company sales processing, whereby there are more than one company code within the same organisation.

We extended the configuration file, and now your customer can log in.

Fixed issues with discontinued products still on display in WebShop

You told us that a discontinued product was still being displayed in your WebShop. That’s not great. We added in some extra import rules to update the status of Discontinued products to Invisible.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.