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March 2022

Aphix WebShop and Management Interface

New features

Find out more about our VAT toggle feature

This feature can be applied to any Aphix WebShop. We've added a new control so that you can select to display your prices either inclusive or exclusive of VAT in the mini cart and on product pages. 

How it works

Contact us to turn the VAT toggle feature on.

Once the VAT toggle has been switched on, a toggle is displayed in your Aphix WebShop.

The VAT toggle does not affect prices in your cart. It is a display preference that you may wish to use.

When the VAT toggle is on, the unit price on both the product page, and in the mini cart includes VAT.

When the VAT toggle is off, the unit price on both the product page, and in the mini cart excludes VAT.

Using Translations in Aphix WebShop

Your industry or region may have different terms or phrases for standard elements in an eCommerce shop. For example, we've named where your customers put their products before checkout, the Cart. Perhaps you call it Basket or Trolley. Or perhaps your customers are not English speakers and you want to have WebShop in another language. Our Translations feature allows you to update and display field labels and errors messages with terms and phrases of your own, in multiple languages. We currently support: English (UK), Dutch (Netherlands), French, German and Spanish.

As we introduce new features and make improvements to our product suite, we add extra translations to this feature. 

This month, we've added in a new translation for our Pay Off Balance feature.  The pay off balance feature allows your customer to make a direct payment using a payment gateway to pay some or all of their account balance. The pay off balance is found on the Account Details screen in their WebShop account.

To update the text on this button, open Translations in Aphix Management Interface, locate the global tag and update it to the phrase you'd prefer to see for this field.

Read our feature guide to find out more about using translations.

Product improvements

Support for coupons and vouchers that result in a zero balance cart

We discovered that when an order's balance was reduced to 0 using either vouchers or coupons, and the customer attempted to pay via a payment gateway, an error occurs and the order was not placed as expected. Having looked into this, we realized that there is a minimum payment charge for many payment gateways. When the cart balance was 0, the payment gateway did not work as expected. We've modified the flow, so that in this scenario, your customer's order is placed into your ERP without causing the error.

Read our feature guide for more information on vouchers and coupons, and how they work in Aphix WebShop.

Improving your customer's experience when using SagePay

You let us know that you were receiving a larger than usual volume of unconfirmed orders when your customers were using the SagePay payment gateway to pay for their order. This meant that you had additional processing to discover and place these orders correctly, and your customers were not receiving payment confirmations. After recreating the issue, we found that the 'Continue to SagePay' button was still available for customers who could repeatedly click it after they made their initial payment. This resulted in multiple unconfirmed orders being submitted. We fixed this by disabling the 'Continue to SagePay' after the customer clicks it once. This improves your customer's experience, and reduces your workload by having less unconfirmed orders to process.

Aphix PocketShop

Product improvements

Update: viewing product downloads

Previously, we told you that we extended our Product download functionality so that your customers can view files and images under the description on the product view screen in PocketShop. It came to our attention that in some PocketShop setups, a "File not found" application error appears when you attempt to open a file in this way. After examining the code, we determined that the embedded address of the file was not pointing to the file's location correctly. We fixed the code, and now all your files can be viewed in PocketShop regardless of the setup.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.