July 2024
🆕 New features in WebShop
Dashboard icons
Do you want to update the look and feel of your customer’s “My Account” side menu with icons that match your brand? Or perhaps you want to change the order in which the options on the left hand menu are displayed?
Our Account Dashboard icon feature allows you to do just that! It comes with a set of default account dashboard icons that you can apply to different menu options. Alternatively, you can upload custom icons to use on menu items listed “My Account” in WebShop.
Read our feature guide, Using Account Dashboard icons, for more information.
Page Elements
Page Elements opens up the Digital Commerce platform to content and style updates initialed and managed by you, the Merchant. For example, using Page Elements you can add content that is displayed either at the top or bottom of all of your WebShop pages with one HTML snippet. Alternatively, you can modify the existing style for all pages in your WebShop by injecting HTML code into the head of each page. As with many of our features, any changes you make are immediately visible on your WebShop.
Knowledge of coding is required to use this feature. You must understand some basic programming constructs and be comfortable using HTML and CSS.
You are responsible for ensuring that the code you have written doesn’t adversely affect your WebShop. We do not provide free support to fix code you have written in the Page Elements editor.
Read our feature guide, Using Page Elements, for more information.
Need help with common issues?
A quick reminder that the Let’s Troubleshoot section in Aphix Assist contains answers to frequently asked questions. Click Let’s Troubleshoot on the Aphix Assist landing page to view troubleshooting categories.
We add new troubleshooting guides regularly to this section, so if you haven’t looked at it recently, why not have another look?
This month, we’ve added an article that explains Where do I find my Google Analytics measurement ID? so you can capture eCommerce data. (Also, take a few moments to read our updated feature guide on Including Google Analytics in WebShop, which explains how this feature works and how to set it up correctly).
Other articles that we’ve recently added answer questions you’ve asked our Customer Support team include