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Why are the prices for my products not visible?


To explain why prices for your products are not visible in your WebShop.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

(ERP), a collection of your critical business operating systems, such as product, stock levels, financial, customers, suppliers and so on that run on the same platform.

Web service

service that allows two disparate systems communicate with each other via a standard messaging system.

More information

Pricing for your products may not be visible because: 

  • Your web services are offline.

  • There is no price associated with the product in your ERP.

  • Product codes in your ERP may not match product codes on Digital Commerce platform.

  • Customers may be assigned to a particular selling band in your ERP. and the product within the selling band may not have a price associated with it.

How do I restart my web service?

Read our article on What steps can I take when my WebShop or SalesRep is offline to find out how to restart web services.

How do I fix pricing in my ERP?

Open the product settings in your ERP and associate prices with products. These prices are uploaded to WebShop during the regular update.

How do I verify that my product codes match in both systems?

This issue is likely to happen where you are using spreadsheet uploads. 

Check for white space, unsupported characters or that the product codes have the same upper / lower cases.

Key points

  • You can take a number of steps to check your web service is online if pricing is not displayed in WebShop.

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