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How do I use Google Tag Manager to add a live chat service to WebShop?


To explain how to integrate a live chat service to your WebShop using Google Tag Manager without custom development.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Google Tag Manager

a service offered by Google that allows you to add and update your own tags for conversion tracking, site analytics, remarketing and more.

Live chat service

a way for customers to have real-time conversations with your support agents.

More information

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Verify Google Tag Manger has been integrated with WebShop


To verify that this is the case, check that the Google tag code has been entered into the Google Tag Manager app in App Store in Management Interface. Read How do I configure and manage Google Tag Manager? for more information.

If this field is not populated,

  • Follow this step by step guide1 (external site) to setup and install Google Tag Manager.

  • Then, add the Google Tag Manager app in App Store and populate it with your tag manager code.

  • Verify ownership of your domain by returning to your Google Tag Account.

Step 3: Integrate a live chat service


Some commonly used live chat services are: 

  • Facebook Messenger

  • LiveChat 


We would recommend that you use LiveChat2, since it is easy to set up and integrate with WebShop using Google Tag Manager.

Create an account on LiveChat, then follow this step by step guide3 (external site) to link LiveChat to Google Tag Manager.

Step 4: Configure your live chat service


Configure your live chat service in the service's configuration settings.

For LiveChat, follow the steps here3 (external site) to set up when and how you wish the live chat service to operate. Other live chat services may operate slightly differently, so be sure to read their documentation to configure it correctly.

What does my customer see on WebShop?

When installed and configured, a live chat service icon appears in the bottom right corner of your WebShop. Your customer clicks on it to activate it.

Key points

  • This can allow for a level of communication from your eCommerce team to the end user to offer help and assistance / upsell

  • This document assists with the Merchant setting the integration up without the need for additional development


Note that we have no control over the content of external sites.

1 External site: Setup and install Google Tag Manager

2 External site: LiveChat

3 External site: Google Tag Manager: add LiveChat to your sites

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