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How do delivery due dates work in Ireland for public holidays?


To explain how delivery due dates such as "Next Available" will work inline with Irish public holidays.

More information

We have a feature that automatically makes Irish public holidays unavailable for due dates on orders.

How it works

This feature works as follows:

  • Where the customer can select a specific delivery date, Irish Bank Holiday dates are not available.


A customer cannot select a Bank Holiday date as a delivery due date.

  • Where the customer selects "Next Available" delivery date, Irish Bank Holiday dates are not available for selection if they are the next available date. The day after the Bank Holiday is presented as the delivery due date.


Where the "Next Available" date is a Bank Holiday which falls on a Monday, the due date is set to Tuesday.

Where the "Next Available" date is a Bank Holiday which falls on a Friday, both the Friday Bank Holiday and the weekend are skipped and the due date is set for Monday.

List of Irish Public holidays

Public holidays are:

  • New Year's Day (1 January)

  • First Monday in February, or 1 February if the date falls on a Friday (from 2023 onwards)

  • Saint Patrick's Day (17 March)

  • Easter Monday

  • First Monday in May

  • First Monday in June

  • First Monday in August

  • Last Monday in October

  • Christmas Day (25 December)

  • Saint Stephen's Day (26 December)

Key points

  • Any dates mentioned above will not be available for "Next Available" day for delivery or for date selection delivery.

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