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Recent products


Clicking Recent Products displays list of recent products from your most recent orders. Recent sales data is extracted from your ERP and a list of recent products is created. The associated product details are displayed for each recent product ordered. This information can not be edited within PocketShop.

User interface element




Top bar

Recent products

Contains the set of options that are available on all PocketShop screens.



Product details

Contains product details, including the product code, up to four images, a description and the cost.

Click on the product card to change it to full screen mode.

Click View Product, indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot, to return to the smaller screen size.

Click ADD to add the product to your shopping cart.

Retrieving and storing data

Key points

  • Data is retrieved from your ERP when you initially log in. The data is stored locally within the PocketShop application.

  • Data is retrieved each time you open the Recent Products screen.

  • Data retrieved is based on all recent products purchased across all Digital Commerce products, including PocketShop, WebShop and SalesRep.

SAP Business One

PocketShop field name

SAP B1 Table

Calculated value

SAP B1 Tab | Field

Product code (SKU)

Item Master Data

General area | Item No.

Product images

Item Master Data

Remarks | camera (bottom right of screen) → add image from folder1


  • There are a number of ways of setting up where you store your images in {ERP}. How many image files can be included per item is dependent on the way you configure it. We can talk to you about the options during the build phase of your product.

  • Accepted image types accepted include GIF, JPG, bitmap, and PNG

Product description

Item Master Data

General area | Description

Pack size

Item Master Data

Sales Data | Quantity per Package


Item Master Data

  • General area | Unit Price2 or

  • General area | Price List] Price List for a specific Business Partner

Stock number

Item Master Data

Calc value

By default, it is calculated as “stock” - “committed” values that have been retrieved from SAP Business One.

If necessary, it can be calculated as “stock” - (“committed” + “ordered”)

Default: [Tab - Inventory] | Stock

Default: [Tab - Inventory] | Committed

Optional: [Tab - Inventory] | Ordered

1 SAP Business One set up: Ensure that the path for your images has been defined before you add any it.

2 The Unit Price or the price in the Price List is the list price that is displayed. However, pricing for each item is affected (in this order of priority) by whether:

  • it is added to a Price List [Item Master Data → General area | Price List],

  • it is listed with a Special Price for specific Business Partners [Modules → Special Prices],

  • it can have Period or Volume Discounts applied to it [Modules → Period and Volume Discounts].

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