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Interested in finding out more about WebShop and Management Interface?  You've come to the right place.

WebShop and Management Interface are both SaaS products

WebShop and Management Interface are SaaS products.

This means that it includes all of the support, regular feature updates, and security monitoring required so that no customer is left behind on older, insecure software and you can concentrate on your core business function.

Of course you can still opt for additional professional services to help you with extensions, migration and roll-out.

More information


WebShop is an integrated B2B or B2C web portal that provides real time access to product, price and stock levels, with the possibility of gated logins, micro-sites and more. You can select to make it gated, meaning that your customers must have a login to order, check stock and manage their account.

Click here for a list of standard features available in WebShop and Management Interface.


Management Interface is the control center for Digital Platform, WebShop, Mobile Apps and Multi-channel allowing you to configure these products as necessary.

Click here for a list of standard features available in WebShop and Management Interface.

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