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Viewing energy rating labels in WebShop

Purpose and scope

Each electrical product has an energy rating associated with it, which details how energy efficient it is. Retailers selling certain electrical products are required, by EU directive1 , to provide the energy efficiency of these products and to label them according to an agreed standard. Our energy rating labels feature allows you to comply with EU legislation, and to drive your customer's awareness about the energy efficiency of the energy-related products you sell.

This article describes what this feature is used for, how to access it within Management Interface and what your customer sees when you apply energy-rating labels to relevant products. 

This feature is only available as part of one of our SmartPacks. Contact our sales team for more information.


Key benefits are:

  • Easy to manage controls to help you comply with applicable EU, UK or Irish legislation

  • Compliance with EU legislation

  • Drive customer awareness about the energy efficiency of the products they wish to purchase 

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



European Product Database for Energy Labelling

(EPREL), a European database that contains specific information sheet and the energy label for each registered product.

Global Asset Manager

(GAM), is the file management system built into Management Interface and used to support standard file management operations.

Product code

(SKU), the unique code for the product.

Product information sheet

lists specific energy performance and environmental related information about a product. It is also referred to as a product fiche.

Uniform resource locator

(URL), the address of a website.

Feature deep dive

The EU directive have specified that certain electrical products sold online are required to include an energy-rating label and a product information sheet in an electronic format to comply with the EU directive1. The product information sheet lists specific energy performance and environmental-related information about a product. The energy-related label lists the rating of the product using an agreed standard format.

Use this feature to import energy-related data from the EPREL database into your product catalogue. At a high level, you create a product (either import it via spreadsheet upload from your ERP or create it manually in Management Interface). Within the Product Content Editor, you can retrieve data directly from the EPREL database by including the EPREL number for a specific product . Once the data has been imported, you can modify it, and include extra information if you wish to.

Once you save the product, it is visible in your WebShop. 

Key points

  • A snapshot of product data for the full EPREL catalogue is retrieved and stored.

  • Enter the EPREL number to get access to the product information sheet and the energy label for a specific product

  • Currently, there is no mechanism to automatically check and update product data in your product catalogue if changes have been made to that product in the EPREL catalogue.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Open Product Administration

  • Click Catalogue on the left hand menu. This opens Product Administration, from where you can manage your product catalogue.

Action 1: Import energy rating information


Key points

  • Remember to include the EPREL Registration Number and EPREL Product Group for any product that you wish to import energy rating information for from the EPREL database. You can update these fields either manually or via a spreadsheet upload.

  • A snapshot of energy related data for the specified product(s) is retrieved and stored in your product catalogue.

  • Currently, there is no mechanism to automatically check and update EPREL data in your product catalogue if changes have been made to the EPREL database.

  1. Open the specific product you wish to add an energy-rating label to.

  2. In the Product Content Editor, select the EPREL Import tab.

  3. Select either This Product to import an individual product's energy-rating data from the EPREL database or Full Catalogue to import the full EPREL database. 

  4. Click Run. This imports data and saves it automatically. 

    1. Data from the EPREL is imported once you have been notified of a successful import for a single product.

    2. Data from the EPREP database is imported for any product that have populated EPREL registration number and EPREL Product Group fields once you have been notified of a successful import for a full import.

  5. In both cases, refresh the product page and view this data under the Extended tab.

Action 2: Edit product details to include energy-related information

  1. Open the specific product you wish to add an energy-rating label to.

  2. In the Product Content Editor, select the Extended tab. 

  3. Complete the form.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Field name




Energy Rating

Lists the energy rating of the product. 

Prior to March 2021, the energy rating of applicable products were defined as ranging between A (most efficient) and F (least efficient). Over time, A+, A++ and so on were added as the energy rating of applicable products improved; making energy rating labels more difficult to read and less comprehensible to understand. Energy rating labels that follow the pre-March 2021 scale are referred to as non-rescaled energy rating labels.

From March 2021, a rescaled energy rating scale of applicable products was introduced in Europe. This scale defines energy levels ranging between A (most efficient) and G (least efficient). Energy rating labels that follow the post-March 2021 scale are referred to as rescaled energy rating labels.

Imported from EPREL



Displays either the non-rescaled or rescaled energy rating label depending on your selection.

Manual selection


Energy label URL

Links to an image that provides a more comprehensive view of the energy rating graphic.

Imported from EPREL


Product Information URL

Links to a product information sheet; typically, the product information sheet is a PDF file that contains all specification data for the product.

Imported from EPREL


EPREL Registration Number

Unique identifier; required to import information from EPREL 

Either manual entry or uploaded via spreadsheet


EPREL Product Group

Unique identifier; used in combination with the EPREL Registration Number and required to import information from EPREL

Either manual entry or uploaded via spreadsheet

Action 3: Use different graphics or product information to what is included as standard


Upload the file you wish to display in place of the standard files to a folder called EnergyRatings, found under Public files in the Global Asset Manager, our built-in file management system.

Key points

  • Energy-rated information (links to files and images) stored in the product description is overridden by any files that you upload into the specified location in the Global Asset Manager.

  • Create a folder called EnergyRatings under Public files in the Global Asset Manager, if it does not exist.

Where can my customer view energy ratings of the electrical products I sell on my WebShop?


Your customers can view energy rating labels on product listing page, detailed product page and in the Cart for relevant electrical products.


1 Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2017 setting a framework for energy labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU

2 More information about EPREL 

3 Information about Energy Labelling, taken from SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)

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