Do you want to increase your brand’s visibility? Would you like to strengthen your brand? Using a favicon, or browser icon, as the image located to the left of a page’s title in a browser tab can achieve both these aims.
The purpose of this feature guide is to provide a step by step guide on how to add and delete a favicon from WebShop.
Favicons are not changed very frequently; we recommend that you generate a favicon zip file, upload and apply it once.
Introducing terms and concepts used in this article
(favourite icon), is a small icon consisting of your logo or brand image. Typically, it appears beside a page’s title in a browser tab, but it can also appear in address bars, and in search engine result pages.
More information
Add a favicon
Create your favicon files.
Key points
The file that you upload must contain a set of icons of varying sizes and formats. We recommend that you use a free tool, such as Real Favicon Generator, to generate a zip file of your favicon icon files.
The file must be stored as a zip folder.
We support inclusion of the following three files as part of the zip folder:
Each file must follow the naming convention described below for each format type.
Supported web formats are:
Default: 48x48 - named “favicon.ico”
16x16 - named “favicon-16x16.png”
32x32 - named “favicon-32x32.png"
96x96 - named “favicon-96x96.png“
Supported mobile formats are:
192x192 - named “android-icon-192x192.png“
512x512 - named “android-icon-512x512.png"
60x60 - named “apple-touch-icon.png"
Supported Microsoft tiles: 150x150 - named “mstile-150x150.png”
SVG format is supported, and can be styled and configured within the SVG image itself - named “favicon.svg“
Log into Management Interface.
Open Settings → General → Company.
Click Choose file under Favicon, locate the zip file and click Open.
Click Save. This scans the zip file, creates a favicon folder in your File Library, uploads the file to the newly created folder and applies the favicon to your WebShop.
All the files are automatically unzipped and stored in Public Files -> Favicon under File Library.
Verify that the favicon has been updated in WebShop.
Delete a favicon
Open File Library.
Navigate to Public files → favicon.
Delete the favicon folder by right-clicking on the folder name and click Delete. This removes the favicon folder and all its contents. The favicon on your WebShop reverts to a browser-specific one.
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