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Managing store locations in WebShop

Purpose and scope

As a merchant, you want your customers to easily locate your store locations, especially if you offer a store location option. The Store Locator feature allows you to easily create, update and delete store your locations when needed in Management Interface. Your customers can view your list of stores from the top menu bar in WebShop.

This article explains how to create, edit and delete store locations in Management Interface. It also shows where your customers can view your store locations in WebShop.


Key benefits of using store locations:

  • Easily share your store locations with your customers

  • Allow your customers to select a preferred collection point from your list of store locations if they select to Click and Collect their products

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: View list of your store locations


To view the full list of your store locations, select Stores under Content in the left side menu. This displays your store list, and provides you with options to search, create or edit. 

Action 1: Add a new store location

  • Click New on the top right of your screen to add a new store location to your list of stores. This opens the Store Edit page.

  • Complete the form.

  • Click Save.

Store locations are immediately visible on WebShop once you set the Visible field to 'Visible' and have saved the information.

Action 2: Edit or delete an existing store location

Edit or delete
  • Click the edit icon to the right of the store location that you wish to edit or delete to your list of stores. This opens the Store Edit screen.

  • To delete a store location, click Delete at the top right of the Store Edit screen. 

  • To edit information about a store location, make the necessary changes.

  • Click Save.


  • Edits to your store locations are immediately visible on WebShop once you set the Visible field to 'Visible' and have saved your changes.

  • Store locations that you have deleted are can no longer be viewed in WebShop.

Action 3: Add Google Maps API key


The Google Maps API is used to allow your customers to view or filter store locations.

It is assumed that you have a Google Maps API key.

To add or update the Google Maps API key,

  • Open Builder under Settings.

  • Select Third Party under Features and scroll down to Google → Maps API key.

  • Enter the Google Maps API key.

  • Click Save.

What do my customers see after I configure this list?


The Store Locator feature is located on the top menu bar in WebShop. Your customers can view the list of your store locations and details about them by clicking on Store Locator.

How can my customers select a location point when they wish to Click and Collect their order?


The list of all configured store locations are available in a drop-down box when your customers select Click and Collect during Checkout.

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