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How do I import and export product specifications?

Purpose and scope

Do you have products in your catalogue that have detailed specifications that you’d like to share? A product specification contains the technical information (such as colour, size, weight, dimensions) of a product. Our product specifications feature allows you use our import / export spreadsheet feature to upload technical information when is then displayed n table format on the detailed product screen.

This feature guide provides a step by step guide on how to use our import / export spreadsheet functionality to import and export product specifications into your product catalogue.

We recommend that you read Understanding product administration in WebShop to understand how the import / export spreadsheet feature operates and Understanding product specifications for more information on this feature before following the steps outlined in this guide.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Create spreadsheet

Create spreadsheet to import

Use our product import / export spreadsheet feature to quickly import product specifications.

  • Either manually create a spreadsheet with the information you wish to import. The spreadsheet contains three columns as follows:

    • Product code (SKU) - the product identifier(s) who you wish to assign product specifications to.

    • Specification Group - the name of the folder where the specification attributes are stored; this name is used to label the tab on the detailed product screen in WebShop.

    • Specification Name - the name of the specification attribute displayed in the detailed product screen in WebShop.

    • Value - the value associated with the attribute.

  • Or export a spreadsheet of existing data and update it as required.

More information

There are two ways to export a spreadsheet of existing product specification data.

Option 1

  • Select Import & Export.

  • Select Import Product Specifications.

  • Select Export All. This exports the data as a spreadsheet.


Option 2

  • Select Product Specifications. This opens a listing of existing product specification groups and attributes.

  • Select Export in the top right of the screen. This exports the data as a spreadsheet.

Import spreadsheet

There are two ways to import product specification data.

  • When the spreadsheet is ready for import, return to the Import & Export screen in Management Interface.

  • Option 1: Select Import Product Specifications, found under Product Specifications in the main content area. This opens the Import Product Specifications screen.

  • Option 2: Select Product Specifications. This opens a listing of existing product specification groups and attributes. Then, select Import in the top right of the screen. This slides a tab from the right of the screen.

  • For both options: Click Choose File and select the spreadsheet from your file directory.

  • Toggle the available options to specify if you want to replace existing product specifications.


Click ‘Yes’ to

Click ‘No’ to

Clear Product Specifications

Remove existing product specifications for all product codes (SKUs) listed in the updated spreadsheet.

Append new relationships for all product codes (SKUs) in the updated spreadsheet to existing product:document relationships.

  • Click (Option 1) Update Product Specifications or (Option 2) Submit. This imports the data, and performs the following:

    • creates the relationships between the product code and the attribute:value pair(s) as specified in the spreadsheet,

    • creates the groups, attributes and values if they do not already exist,

    • adds the tab onto the detailed product screen and

    • displays a table on the detailed product screen containing the attribute:value pairs that have been imported.


Remember that changes are immediately visible in WebShop.

Verify import

What do my customers see in WebShop?

Your customers can see technical information on the detailed product screen.

To verify that the product specifications have been imported correctly, view the detailed product screen of the product(s) in WebShop and check that the table of attribute:value pairs are displayed as a table under a tab which is labelled with the group name you specified.


Add product specification to product


The product specifications feature has been enabled.

Suppose you have a Nintendo Switch Lite (product code M06) with the following product specification:






Cyan, Yellow, Gray




193, 93, 93 mm (H x W x D)


64, 128, 256

Hard drive capacity


that you want to share with your customers.

Step 1: Create spreadsheet

The spreadsheet containing this product specification contains the data in the following format:


Step 2: Import spreadsheet

  • Open Import Product Specifications in Management Interface.

  • Select the product specification file, and click Update Product Specifications to import the data.


Step 3: Verify import

View MO6’s detailed product screen in WebShop. There is a new tab called “Specifications“ that contains a table with the attribute:value pairs contained in the spreadsheet.


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