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Displaying price on application products

Purpose and scope

Products that have been configured as Price on application products are those that can not be purchased directly from your WebShop. Instead, the customer is required to contact you for more information about the product and its pricing.

The purpose of this feature guide is to outline how you set it up in Management Interface, and what it looks like for your customers in your WebShop.


Key benefits are:

  • keep in touch with your customers by providing them with specific information about a product or set of products they have specified they are interested in

  • provide custom pricing to different customers depending on a variety of factors

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Price on application (POA) product

a product that your customer is required to contact you about prior to its purchase.


an item for sale in the product catalogue.

Product option

a variation of a particular product, which the customer can select when they purchase the product; for example, a pair of shoes could have 5 size options and 4 colour options.

Step by step

Step 1: Contact us to switch feature on

Contact us

Contact us to switch the price on application feature on for you.

We can switch it on, and modify the regular update between your ERP and Experlogix Digital Commerce Platform to identify which products have been marked as price on application.

Identifying products as price on application can be based on a number of criteria: for example, it could be an agreed ERP field or on a combination of status and stock levels. We'll talk you through the options should you select to switch this feature on.

Step 2: Set up

Set up

Create a page in Pages to capture customer information when they select to contact you about a price on application product.


While you can use any page type in Pages (formerly CMS), we recommend that you use a Wufoo form to capture customer information. 

When a simple product has been set to display a price on application button, the POA button is visible on both the product listing and the product view pages in WebShop.

However, if a product with product options configured has been set to display a price on application button, the POA button is displayed only when the product option has been selected and it is only visible on the product view page in WebShop.

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