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Configuring shipping product codes

Purpose and scope

As a merchant, you may have complex delivery charges that you wish to apply to your customer's cart. Perhaps you want to base your shipping charges on a specific set of products? Maybe, you wish to apply a different shipping charge based on the delivery country? Or you want to create a hierarchy of shipping charges based on more complex rules.

Our shipping services feature offers you more control and flexibility over how you configure and manage shipping rules and charges. Shipping services are set up in Management Interface. 

Prior to using shipping services, you must configure a shipping produce code, which is a product code that has been assigned for use as a shipping code. Shipping product codes are not visible in your product catalogue but are used by shipping services to calculate delivery charges.

The purpose of this article is to describe how to configure shipping product codes.

Step by step

Step 1: Log into Management Interface

Log in

Log into Management Interface using your username and password. This opens the dashboard of your Management Interface.


Step 2: Open Product Administration

  • Click Catalogue on the left hand menu. This opens Product Administration, from where you can manage your product catalogue.

Step 3: Create or edit shipping products

Create or edit

The ‘shipping’ product code is a key element of the three shipping charges types (shipping tiers, shipping units and flat rate charges).

  • To search for existing product with type set to "shipping", enter the product code or name and click Search. This displays the list of products of this type. You can view and edit product details by clicking on Edit to the right of the product. Alternatively, select “Shipping“ product type to get a list of all ‘shipping’ products.

Key points

  • When the type of a product is set to “shipping”, it does not appear in the product catalogue.

  • It can be imported from your ERP as part of the regular product catalogue update even if the stock quantity is marked as “out of stock”

  • It must always be set to Visible. When set to visible, it can automatically be applied to your customer’s cart when they checkout or update their cart.

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