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Applying badges to product cards

Purpose and scope

Do you want to add promotional badges, such as “Just arrived!“, “On Sale” or “Back in stock” to products in your catalogue without having to update your current product images? Our Product Badges feature allows you to add up to four images - one at each corner of your existing product image quickly and easily.

Once set up is complete, you can either apply badges to individual products using our product administration tool or multiple products using our import / export spreadsheet feature.

This article describes this feature and how to enable, configure and use it.

More information

Set up

Setting up this feature is a two-step process.

Step 1: Enable the feature
  • Click Settings.

  • Locate settings related to Product Badges, either by navigating to Features → Main Product Features or by searching for ‘badge’ using the Search facility.

  • Toggle “Enable Product Badges” to On to enable this feature.

Step 2: Import your badges into your File Library

Key points

  • Read our feature guide on Managing files in Management Interface for more information on how to use File Library.

  • The default directory for badges files is Public Files/products/badges.

  • We recommend that each image is 250 x 250 px.

  • We support the following image file types: png, jpg, jpeg and bmp

  • Click File Library.

  • Navigate to Public Files → products → badges.

Create the folders “products” and “badges” if they do not exist. You will only have to create these folders once.

  • Right-click and select Upload Files from the displayed menu.

  • Select the image file(s) from your file directory and click “Select files to upload“. This uploads your image files to the correct location on our platform.


Once these two steps are complete, you can apply a badge to single or multiple products.

Apply a badge to a single product

Apply a badge to a single product using our product administration tool in Management Interface. Read our detailed step by step guide to How do I apply a badge to a single product page?

Apply badges to multiple products at the same time

To use this feature once it has been enabled,

  • Create a spreadsheet containing product code, filename for each badge image and one of four supported badge positions (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right).

Badge image files must be uploaded to Public Files/products/badges before the spreadsheet is imported.

  • Import the spreadsheet using our import / export spreadsheet feature.

Read our detailed step by step guide to import badges for many products.

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