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Screen layout: Administrators


The Administrators screen provides you with a list of existing Management Interface users. Actions you can carry out on this screen are:

  • View a list of all existing users

  • Edit an existing user's password or permissions

  • Delete an existing user

  • Create a new user 

  • Activate or disable a user’s access

This article describes its elements.

Introducing terms and concepts used in this article



Admin user

a user that has permissions which allow them to manage and carry out additional tasks in Experlogix Digital Commerce products.

How it fits together

The Administrators screen consists of a list of existing users, with functionality to edit or delete each user.

There is one action button available named ‘New’, which opens a new screen where you can enter the email address and password of a new user. Assign their access to different parts of Management Interface by checking the boxes in the list provided.


Click Edit to the right of user profile you wish to modify. This opens ‘Edit my Profile’ where you can update the user’s password and permissions and activate or disable access to their account.

More about permissions

By default, without setting any checkboxes, the new user has implicitly been granted access to all sections of Management Interface.

  • Select all checkboxes to explicitly grant access to all sections of Management Interface.

  • Select a subset of checkboxes to grant access to specific sections of Management Interface.


You have a new user who is responsible for WebShop banner design. Select Banners. When the user logs in, they can only see the Banners section of Management Interface.

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